Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I am no Caroline Wilder

Charlotte and I have been reading "The Little House on the Prairie." I love reading to my little Bug just before bed. I decided last summer that she was ready for longer more involved books. Our first big girl read was, "Because of Winn-Dixie." It was cute and I was just as excited as Charlotte to watch the movie when we were done because the beautiful and talented Dave Matthews is in it.

The next book that caught my eye was our current selection by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I picked it up with excitement at an used book store and was immediately reminded of how much I had loved the series as a child. So it came home with me and two weeks ago we dove in.

But reading the book as a grown woman has brought out different emotions in me. Like this one for example, "Why the hell did Caroline allow her husband to drag them so far away from everyone that she held dear into dangerous territory?" or more recently "I think that I would have told Pa to shove it." Of course I have not been sharing my thoughts with Charlotte but I am afraid that my modern feminist sensibilities are getting in the way of my pleasure in the story.

I think I am more Anne of Green Gables (yes I realize that she was a fictional character) than Caroline Wilder. My husband pointed out that it is likely that Caroline did not have any choice in the matter of her families migration west, which is true. Or perhaps she found Pa's wanderlust and shenanigans endearing? Whatever the matter, I think I may have to go dye my hair red and walk the ridge-pole of a roof. Has anyone seen Diana Barry?

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