Way back in February my mom bought me a Moda layer cake of the It's a Hoot design line. I LOVED these fabrics so much that I allowed them to sit while dreaming of something exciting and fancy for them. Yesterday I decided however, that easy peasy had won the race. I sat down and sewed them together as is. It was nice to have a finished product that had zero glitches in it! Save one, because at one moment I decided to mentally check out and sewed a fabric in sideways (oh the humanity!) , but a quick visit from the seam ripper and all was repaired.
We have been living and loving the knowledge that our new little person is a girl for 2 weeks. Charlotte is overjoyed to have a little sister, Max not so much. I am excited because I will be able to sew for this new little person entirely from fabrics I already own! How convenient!
For three years now I have worn a necklace almost everyday that displays the first initial of each of my children. While I had already purchased (a girl scout is always prepared) an initial last summer for the new (not yet conceived) baby I have decided that the necklace is pretty big and bulky. So last night I ordered a new one from the Etsy shop tinytokensdesigns and cannot wait until it arrives!!
Now my big task is to make a list (total lie, making a list is a hobby not a task) of things to make for my new little lady. There is going to need to be some sewing, some knitting and a little bit of crafty sprinkled everywhere!
Hi Domini....I couldn't find your email so hope this works! :) You asked about backing fabric on my blog.....I bought that backing at Hawthorne threads.com but you can also get it at fatquartershop.com It's called Snuggle fabric by Shannon fabrics, or Moda makes some. It's 60" wide...so great for backings. I noticed you live in Boise...we just happen to be here in Boise today visiting family. :) Have a great day - Allison